Emergency Lighting

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Emergency Lighting

Emergency Lighting is the term given to Lighting that operates upon a Mains Failure. The loss of mains electricity could be the result of a fire or a power cut resulting in the failing of the normal Lighting Supply. This may lead to sudden darkness and possible danger to the occupants, either through physical hazards or panic. Emergency Lighting is normally required to operate fully automatically and provide illumination of a sufficiently high level to enable persons of all ages to evacuate the premises safely.The IS 3217 Standard provides the Emergency Lighting designer with laid out guide lines which form the general basis for the designer to work to.


IS 3217 includes in its scope: – Residential Hotels, Clubs, Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Schools and Colleges, Licensed Premises, Offices, Museums, Shops, Multi-storey Dwellings etc. Although this standard recommends the types and duration of emergency lighting systems relating to each category of premise it should be remembered that the standards are Minimum Safe standards for the types of premises and that a higher standard may be needed depending on the installation.

             Construction Workers Pension SchemeStellar - Access Control & S.R.40Construction Industry FederationStellar - EN 50131 & SR-40Safe Electric - Registered Electrical Contractor